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Factory address
Factory address: Zhongduan South Road, Xinfeng Industrial Park, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province

Business office and transit warehouse address: 5th Floor, No.1 Buld, Dacheng jiancai Square, Guanchang Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan city, Guangdong Province, 523819
Phone number
+86 133 1296 7631

Electromagnetic Compatibility Design in PCB Design

The electromagnetic compatibility design mainly includes surge (impact) immunity, ringing wave surge immunity, electrical fast transient burst immunity, voltage sag, short-term interruption and voltage change immunity, power frequency power supply Harmonic immunity, electrostatic immunity, radio frequency electromagnetic field radiation immunity, power frequency magnetic field immunity, pulse magnetic field immunity, conducted disturbance, radiated disturbance, conducted immunity … Continued

PCB market is growing rapidly, industry healthy development!

Impact of AOI testing equipment on PCB circuit board industry AOI testing industry has basically formed a more mature industrial chain after more than ten years of development. The upstream of AOI detection industry is mainly divided into raw materials and electronic components; The midstream of AOI detection industry can be divided into online AOI detection equipment … Continued

In 2022, high-end circuit board capacity expansion momentum is high

The demand for 5G base stations and new energy vehicles has exploded, directly driving the expansion of high-end circuit boards. From the perspective of 5G base station construction, from 2018 to 2021, a total of 142.5 5G base stations were built. The national construction target is expected to be raised to more than 600,000 in … Continued

Four future development directions of PCB market

Printed circuit boards are widely used, and the following four major technology trends are expected to maintain leadership in the PCB market for a long time and take the entire PCB industry in different directions.Because printed circuit boards are so versatile, even small changes in consumer trends and emerging technologies can have an impact on … Continued

By 2026 the market size of this PCB is expected to reach 12 billion US dollars!

In June 2022, the domestic new energy vehicle market has returned to the rising channel before the epidemic, and the delivery volume of many car companies has reached a record high. Among the new car-making forces, Xiaopeng delivered 15,295 units in June, a year-on-year increase of 133%; Nezha Auto delivered 13,157 units in June, a … Continued

Meizhou industry implements efficiency improvement plan to promote the quality and efficiency of PCB industry enterprises

A few days ago, Meijiang District formulated and implemented the “Three-Year Action Plan for Quality and Efficiency Improvement of Meizhou Economic Development Zone in Guangdong (2022-2024)” to comprehensively improve the level of investment promotion and the operation and management level of the Economic Development Zone, strengthen existing enterprises, and promote Meizhou Economic and Technological Development … Continued

PCB will be replaced by chip in the future?

As China becomes the most important industrial base in the world, related upstream industries are gradually moving to China, and PCB industry is one of them. At the same time, with the vigorous development of new energy vehicles, 5G and other new technologies, PCB has also put forward higher requirements, as an important electronic component, … Continued

Chinese name: High difficulty PCB English name: High PCB board

Definition: It is a double-sided or multi-layer circuit board made of epoxy resin and other materials. Applied disciplines: physics (first-level discipline); material physics, electricity (second-level discipline). What is the development status and trend of difficult PCB boards in Japan’s epoxy resin printed circuit board industry? In 2007, the entire electronic circuit industry, such as printed … Continued

Maintenance of PCB electroplating production line

In the printed circuit board production process, the main use of electroplating equipment have two kinds, one is horizontal electroplating line, one is vertical electroplating line. These two different structures of electroplating equipment, mainly the circuit board transport way is different, the conveyor plate equipment structure is not the same, so for maintenance is also … Continued

Shennan Circuit: Guangzhou basic engineering construction project has carried out activities

On May 16, Shennan Circuit responded to investors’ inquiries on the investor interaction platform on “What is the main production of the Guangzhou packaging substrate production base project? When can it bring performance to the company”, and said that the company’s Guangzhou packaging substrate project is mainly for FC-BGA, FC-CSP and RF packaging substrate products. … Continued