Get in touch

Factory address
Factory address: Zhongduan South Road, Xinfeng Industrial Park, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province

Business office and transit warehouse address: 5th Floor, No.1 Buld, Dacheng jiancai Square, Guanchang Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan city, Guangdong Province, 523819
Phone number
+86 133 1296 7631

FAQ after sales

How long is my production run setup stored?

We store any pcb production run fabrication setup for a minimum of 6 months from last used date and can be re-extended by another 6 months on reuse. If the customer does not use the setup again within 6 months, we will contact the customer with option to keep alive the setup for a small $10 per year storage fee. This fee can be discounted on reuse of the setup.

The circuit  board that I received is not mine. What should I do with it?

In some rare occasion (1 in 2000 parcels) we tend to make mistake when sorting out PCB for delivery . If you receive a PCB that is not yours, chances are that another customer is having your PCB goods. Normally the customer is within the same country as the finished circuit boards is sorted by country before being packed and shipped.

Please contact us immediately so we can arrange for a swap. You just need to use our FedEx account to send the parcel to each other. Please be assured this is not a common occurrence, but it does happen.