Get in touch

Factory address
Factory address: Zhongduan South Road, Xinfeng Industrial Park, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province

Business office and transit warehouse address: 5th Floor, No.1 Buld, Dacheng jiancai Square, Guanchang Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan city, Guangdong Province, 523819
Phone number
+86 133 1296 7631


Military Grade Printed Circuit Boards (pcb board) require high reliability with long service times under extreme conditions. The China multilayer PCB supplier SAYFU Multilayer Circuits Co.,Ltd can produce HDI PCB, Aluminium based PCB, Metal core PCB, LED PCB, Heavy copper PCB for military, ground activities, defense, naval applications, and space weapons. We provide printed circuit boards that offer a wide range of materials(FR4, Rogers, Nelco, Telfon), composites, and construction, that are very effective in military applications.

High temperature laminates, copper and aluminum base can perform very well in these challenging environments. Anodized aluminum can be utilized to eliminate the effects heat induced oxidation. Metal base combined with thermally conductive pre-pregs gives the military designer performance with weight advantages.

Military Grade PCB board

Military Grade PCB board

The following represents a few application in military:                               

  • Over horizon enforcement networks (Cyber counterintelligence systems)
  • Cross targeting systems (Cryptanalysis systems)
  • Automation networks (Command and control systems)
  • Air cartographic photography (Automatic search jamming systems)
  • Radio communication systems (AMRAAM – Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missiles)
  • Radar installations (APU – Auxiliary Power Units)
  • Power converters (ASRAAM – Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missiles)
  • Power supplies (AWACS – Airborne Warning and Control System)
  • LED lighting systems (AEW&C – Airborne Early Warning & Control)
  • Instrumentation (CIWS – Close In Weapons Systems)
  • Control tower systems (ECCM – Electronic Counter-Countermeasures)
  • Temperature sensors (FLIR – Forward Looking Infrared)
  • Audio interface applications (IADS – Integrated Air Defense System)