Get in touch

Factory address
Factory address: Zhongduan South Road, Xinfeng Industrial Park, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province

Business office and transit warehouse address: 5th Floor, No.1 Buld, Dacheng jiancai Square, Guanchang Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan city, Guangdong Province, 523819
Phone number
+86 133 1296 7631

FAQ about shipping

How long does shipping take?

It depends on the destination location. In most parts of the developed world, delivery by FedEx/DHL is normally 2 days (excluding weekends) . For example, if we ship out the PCB on our Monday, it will arrive to customer at destination Wednesday.
Shipment to some regions such as Middle East, South America and Africa may take up to 4-5 working days.

Is there any faster service available ? Overnight perhaps?

Shipments within China is delivered overnight by default. For shipment to all other countries, the quickest available service is the standard 2 working day FedEx/DHL International Priority.

How much does a PCB normally weight ? How much can I ship in a 1 lbs (0.5kg) shipment?

On the average, 100 sq inch of 0.062″ FR4 PCB will weight 0.4 lbs to 0.55 lbs depending on configuration. Due to weight of packaging material (0.3 lbs) only 0.7 lbs of PCB can be included in the first lbs of shipment.
In some cases, such as tab-routed or v-scored panels – the panel support boards (to avoid breakage during shipping) may add to the shipping weight. To help our customer save on shipping cost, we will always use the lightest and smallest packaging method.

Your shipping rate is much lower than similar pcb shops in Asia and Europe. Why is it so?

We practice an honest shipping costing. If FedEx bill us $10, we bill our customer $10. Most other PCB business in this region uses low price to bait customers in only to hit them with this excessive shipping and handling cost. So while some competitors may appear to cost less than us at a glance. But when you add it all up, the total shipped cost will often be higher than our total shipped cost. Just beware of excessive shipping charges.