Due to the new phone are decline sales with the great pressure.YaoHua have reject the supply of Apple FPC printing boards from the Apple new phone battery.which is moving capacity into the Apple’s wireless headphones are need for AirPods with FPC and its potential customers.
At present,YaoHua has less sell a small amount of the 2ndgeneration of apple airpods with FPC boards .It is estimated that with the official release of new produce by apple, the shipment will have a lager grow in the first quarter of 2019.Yaohua is also seeking orders for the new development products form American clients.However,the new produce is expected to come into the market until thesecond half of 2019.
In general,PCB factories for now are keep more comservatively with the first quarter of 2019,but they do not believe that the PCB market in 2019 will continue to decline,focus on the 5G the Wireless communication technology is expected to drive the consumer electronic,AI hardware,logistics networks and so on the new development market. And there are still many opportunities worth exploring for the PCB industry.
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