China PCB fabricator Guangdong Sayfu Multilauer Circuits Co., Ltd is a main supplier to world car fabricators. The Automotive economy especially new energy ones, are high developed around the world, the vehicles are necessary for each family, some of which have even more than two cars. And in China, the industry is a main support to GDP, not only BMW, BENZ, AUDI but also Tesla have their own plant in China. As an extremely important component, printed circuits get its right time to grow in the field. The PCB Boards for the Automotive industry require high reliability, long life service, at a highly competitive rate. The sector consists of passenger vehicles, trucks, trailers, sub assemblies, and dealer support systems.
China PCB fabircator Sayfu provides printed circuit boards that offer a wide range of materials, composites, and construction, that perform well in the rigors of the automotive world. We are producing circuits used on LED, power supply, display, Antilock breack, power converter etc for customers not mentioned above but also BYD, Greatwall from China. The goods including copper or aluminium based metal core board, ceranic based, high frequency, heavy copper(thick copper), multilayer board, rigid flexible pcb etc.
High Temperature laminates, copper and aluminum substrates perform very well in harsh automotive applications. Sayfu supplies a vast array of laminates with heavy copper that are unrivaled in our industry. Differential copper plated is unique to Sayfu. Ten ounce copper on side one and one ounce copper on side two would be a typical configuration of differential copper. This technique offers signal application on one side and high power on the other.

The following are some applications used for Automotive:
- Power relays
- ECL/ECU control modules
- Antilock brake systems
- Digital displays
- Transmission sensors
- On board radar
- Stereo and audio components
- DC/AC power converters
- Engine timing systems
- Electronic mirror controls
- Interior LED lighting systems